Student Enrollment For Upcoming Events

AHA CPR for Healthcare Providers (BLS)
Course Name: AHA CPR for Healthcare Providers (BLS)
Address: 595 SE Port St Lucie Blvd, Port St Lucie, FL 34984
Cost: $46.00
Session: 01 - Timing: Thursday, August 7, 2025 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

 Payment Summary
Sub Total : $46.00
Discount : $0.00

Net Total

 User Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Medical License # if any:
Date Of Birth:
Open the calendar popup.
Discount Code:
Click on Apply after entering the code to avail the discount.

1 - How did you hear of Emergency Medical Consultants, Inc.? 2 - Our Terms and Conditions include our cancellation and reschedule policy. Have you reviewed these?

Questionnaire - AHA CPR for Healthcare Providers (BLS)
1 - The AHA textbook is MANDATORY. Do you have the 2020 edition? If not, please see the options below.

2 - This course is for Health Care Provider, Are you a Health care professional?

3 - Are you aware that the mandatory pre-test contained in the prep packet requires the book to complete
Optional Items
   MANDATORY 2020 BLS Manual Pick it up at our office at least 24 hrs. before class or select shipping to have it mailed to you. Shipping If you want your book mailed. Shipping takes at least 2 business days - please do not select this option if your class is less than 5 business days away.  
 $  25.00  $  12.00    
Item 1:
Item 2:

 Pre-requisite Course
No Pre-requisite course.

 Payment Method
credit cards supported
Payment Type: 
Name on Card: 
Card Number: 
Expiration Date:       
I agree to the terms and conditions of this registration (see terms and conditions)